The day I got married, one of my closest friends looked me in the eye and said "God has many wild and wonderful things ahead for you and Jeremy."

Being called mom by 7 kids is definitely wild. Each day I look for the wonder in it all...and give thanks.

Partnering with my husband in life, parenting, work and serving is definitely wonderful. He is my favorite.

Monday, September 17, 2018

My favorite homecoming

It's that time of year -- Homecoming.  This is a big deal.  Although I have lived most my life in Texas, I was born in New Orleans and went to high school in New Mexico.  So I bypassed the whole Texas homecoming thing until my girls got into 8th-9th grade.  At which time we adopted from another country and entered public school for the first time.

To say we were overwhelmed is an understatement.  When a friend offered to make my girls mums that first year, we all said 'uh no thanks' not really believing girls wore those things.  My girls adapted a year or two later but I'm still not used to it.
I'm still wide-eyed at the mums and my eyes get wider each year as the mums get bigger for my upperclassmen.

But this is not the homecoming I'm talking about.  My favorite homecoming happened Sept 17th 6 years ago.  With the buzz of school starting and the new routine, I often almost let it slip by. 

However my oldest seems to always remember this anniversary.  A quick text this morning of "Happy Homecoming Day" stops me and brings me to tears.
At first, I think she doesn't realize homecoming is still a month away for my high schoolers.

But then I remember what homecoming she is really talking about.
I wrote a post about it 3 years ago and I had to look back at what I wrote.  Oh all the FEELS. 

I remember seeing my parents' faces as we walked through the final exit at IAH, and as I hugged my mom I cried.  It felt like I just crossed the finish line of a marathon.  Little did I know it was more like the first mile of the first leg of an Ironman Triathlon.

With little sleep on the midnight flight and 1 less bag that someone in Colombia thought they needed more than us--we made it!

We piled all of us and all our luggage in Big Blue

And headed to IHOP

This is us translating the menu and waitress just to get drink orders started.

As hard as those first weeks (months...) were forging our way through, I am forever grateful for this HOMECOMING. 
 It will always be my favorite.