I want to share with you about one of our favorite places to go on the planet.
A friend told me about Pine Cove a LONG time ago but we never made it a priority to go. While we were in Colombia getting our kids, we received an email that our family of nine had been gifted a week at Pine Cove Family Camp.
We had NO idea what a gift this would turn out to be!
One friend from camp described that she felt like they were crash landing with one wing on fire as they entered camp.
Pine Cove has been spiritual refreshment.
It has encouraged renewal in our relationship.
It has helped strengthen our family.
Pine Cove has provided exceptional experiences for our kids to grow closer to God, each other, and new friends.
The counselors are over the top AMAZING!
And it is just FUN!
We have been blessed to attend 2 family camps and also serve other families over Thanksgiving Camp.
Pine Cove has so much to offer! You can find out more here. You can check out Camp in the City, Castle Rock, and Overnight Youth Camp.
I want to pass along a special message from our friend, Randi Shaffer, about discounts you don't want to miss. Don't let cost deter you from signing up. Scholarships are available!
Mark your calendar for February 2!!
February 2nd is Super Goal Monday. It's the day after the big game, and it's registration day at Pine Cove. If you've never been to Pine Cove or you're a long time camper Super Goal Monday is the day to register.
Camp in the City is Pine Cove's summer day camp right in your neighborhood - and registration opens February 2nd. Register on Monday to reserve your spot, space is limited.
And for one day only on February 2nd Pine Cove is offering a special discount for first time campers at any of their overnight youth camps and Castle Rock, their on-site day camp. If you use the Coupon Code SUPERGOAL you can receive an extra $50 off each overnight youth camp registration and $20 off Castle Rock.To register, go to pinecove.com or give them a call at 877-4-PineCove to find out more.
And we have 1 $200 OFF coupon for a first time student camper!
It expires February 2nd so be the first to comment below if you want this coupon!!