The day I got married, one of my closest friends looked me in the eye and said "God has many wild and wonderful things ahead for you and Jeremy."

Being called mom by 7 kids is definitely wild. Each day I look for the wonder in it all...and give thanks.

Partnering with my husband in life, parenting, work and serving is definitely wonderful. He is my favorite.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

We've grown by 8 feet!

We found this poster along with balloons and flip-flops hanging at our door on
Approval Day--sweet surprise from a sweet friend!!
I will meditate on all Your work,
and talk of Your deeds...
You are the God who does wonders!
(Ps 77:12,14)

Moms, you know that anticipation you have when you are waiting to find out whether you are having
a boy or girl?

Well just over a week ago we received our REFERRALS and guess what....

It's a GIRL

It's a BOY

Yeah, we kinda already knew that, but it is just a little more official and we are one step closer to bringing these kids home....

and AGAIN we are humbled that God
would entrust them to us.

We were so eager to get the referral paperwork--
if you are not really sure what that means,
it is all the information on each child--
their history, medical, social, as much info they can give us.

We were so excited to have it in our hands--
or inbox really--and printed and read through each one.

Then we are sad again.

Because we read about the loss
that brought them to this point.

And we are reminded that as wonderful and lovely adoption is, it exists because of some loss or tradegy.
And with the joy, excitement, and blessing, also comes grief, pain, loss.

Pray for us as we join our kids on their journey. 
We desire healing for
all of us.

So the question we are getting is
"When do you go get your kids??"

Friday, June 22, 2012

What's new?

We have an awesome update coming soon on our ADOPTION and can't wait to share it, but in the midst of exciting adoption stuff, we've been celebrating some other good stuff too!

 My brother-in-law graduated from DTS!
Pray for him and his family as they are raising support
to serve in Athens, Greece.

Family pool party for my oldest niece's High School Graduation!

 Wesley turned 11 this month!
(or as he put it, 4,018 days)

 Savannah turned 5!
(cannot believe my baby is five)

 And we have sprinkled in some fun on the lake!
Don't I have the coolest in-laws?? 
We had to make
this into his Father's Day card

Lots is happening on the adoption front--more news coming soon!